Linux Commands Series

This series is for understanding Linux and its commands.

File System Basics

File Management Commands

  • ls - list directory contents
  • cd - change working directory
  • pwd - print working directory
  • mkdir - make directory
  • rmdir - remove directory
  • mv - move(rename) files
  • cp - copy files and directories
  • rm - remove files or directories
  • touch - create file or change timestamp
  • file - determine file type
  • ln - create hard links or symbolic links

Text Processing Commands

  • cat - print files to output
  • echo - Print text
  • nl - number lines of files
  • less - view text content one page at a time
  • head - output the first part of files
  • tail - output the last part of files
  • grep - print lines matching a pattern
  • wc - count bytes, words and newlines for files
  • sort - Sort lines of text files
  • tr - Replace characters
  • sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text
  • awk - powerful text processing utility
  • xxd - make hexdump. for displaying file in hex or binary

File Search Commands

user and group commands

  • who - show who is logged on
  • whoami - print effective userid
  • su - Switch shell to another user.
  • id - print real and effective user and group IDs
  • user commands - create, delete, and modify users.
  • group commands - create, delete, and modify groups

Permission Commands

  • chmod - change file mode bits.
  • chown - change file owner and group
  • chgrp - change group ownership for files and directories

Archiving and Compression Commands

  • tar - Archiving utility
  • gzip - Compress/uncompress files
  • zip - Package and compress (archive) files into zip file.

Process and System Utility

  • ps - display current processes.
  • top - display system summary info in real time
  • kill - terminate a process
  • killall - terminate a process by name
  • hostname - show or set the system’s host name
  • uname - print system info
  • lsb_release - LSB (Linux Standard Base) and Distribution info
  • df - disk free. report file system disk space usage
  • du - disk usage. list the sizes of a folder and any subfolders
  • free - Display amount of free and used memory in the system.

Network Commands

  • ping - test if a host is reachable on a network


Tools to learn commands


I use the following blog entries as reference

I follow this link to classify Linux commands