Linux Command - less

less - to browse a file one page at a time

There are many commands you can use when browing a file using less. You can always use less --help to view these commands.


less [Option] [FILE]


Option Description
-n -N –line-numbers show line number
–help display help
Moving Command Description
j next line
k prev line
G last line
g first line
f, ^F, SPACE forward one window (or N lines)
b, ^B backward one window (or N lines).
d scroll forward N lines, default one half of the screen size
b scroll backward N lines, default one window
u scroll back N lines, default one half of the screen size.
Search Command Description
/pattern Search forward in the file for the N-th line containing the pattern. N defaults to 1.
?pattern search backward in the file for the pattern


Browse a file

browse /etc/passwd, which contains all the user info.

less /etc/passwd

Browse /var/log/syslog. Use -N option to show Line number.

sudo less -N /var/log/syslog

show process info using less

ps aux | less
