WireMock is a simulator for HTTP-based APIs.
Helm - The Kubernetes Package Manager.
Kubernetes secret object let you store and mange sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens and SSH Keys. It is better to store this kind of secret in Kubernetes secret than in a container image.
Kubernetes ConfigMap
Kubernetes Environment Variable
configure liveness, readiness and startup probes for Containers
Disk files for a container is ephemeral. To persist data over container restart, we need to use PersistentVolume
Kubernetes Namespaces
Kubernetes jobs
Kubernetes Service can expose deployments to the external world. However it can’t route requests to services base on HTTP URI. Kubernetes Ingresss solves this problem.
Kubernetes Service
Let’s learn how to deploy, scale and roll back application in Kubernetes
Key Kubernetes concetps.
Let’s setup Kubectl and Minikube and use Minikube to setup a one node cluster.
We will learn how to deploy a artifact to Nexus3 server using maven.