Spring Security - Custome UserDetailsService
We learn about JDBC Authentication, but in real world, it is more common to customize UserDetailsService. This allows more flexibility When it comes to authenticating user.
UserDetails Interface
We can understand UserDetails class first before looking at UserDetailsService interface.
UserDetails Interface provides essential user info. This class will then be encapsulated into Authentication object. Authentication object contains a Principal. The Principal is often a UserDetails.
User is the reference implementation of UserDetails interface.
Here is the source code for UserDetails
1 | package org.springframework.security.core.userdetails; |
UserDetailsService Interface
Core interface which loads user-specific data.
It is used throughout the framework as a user DAO and is the strategy used by the DaoAuthenticationProvider.
1 | package org.springframework.security.core.userdetails; |
loadUserByUsername(String) method locates the user based on the username. if the user could not be found or the user has no GrantedAuthority, a UsernameNotFoundException will be thrown
Spring Security already contains implementations for UserDetailsService.
- CachingUserDetailsService
- InMemoryUserDetailsManager
- JdbcDaoImpl
- JdbcUserDetailsManager
- LdapUserDetailsManager
- LdapUserDetailsService
If you need more flexibility to get UserDetails from the username, you can provide your own implementation.
UserDetailsService Simple Example
Here UserDetailsService.loadUserByUsername method returns User, which is the reference implementation. If you need more customization, you can implement UserDetails interface for your user entity. That way you can directly return user entity instead of creating User object.
SimpleUserDetailsServiceImpl.java - a very simple UserDetailsService implementation that returns a user with password equals ‘password’. The returned user’s password should be encoded.
1 | import org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.User; |
SecurityConfiguration.java - To use the above custom UserDetailsService in security configuration
1 |
userDetailsService(UserDetailsService) method adds authentication based upon the custom UserDetailsService that is passed in.
UserDetailsService that works with JPA
This is a more realistic code example. UserDetailsService implementation that loads user from a database.
UserDetailsServiceImpl.java - UserDetailsService implementation that loads user from a database repository.
1 | import org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.User; |