Spring Security - Authorization Process
Authorization process explained. Note that most of the time you don’t need to know the details of how authorization works.
Authorization Process
Pre-Invocation Handling - A pre-invocation decides whether the invocation si allowed to preceed. The decision is made by AccessDecisionManager
After-Invocation Handling - Modify the object returned by the secure object invocation. AfterInvocationProviderManager
. see https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference/html5/#authz-after-invocation-handling for more information. This post will focus on Pre-Invocation Handling.
- FilterSecurityInterceptor implements Filter interface. it is a filter used by FilterChainProxy for Authorization purpose.
- FilterSecurityInterceptor extends abstract class AbstractSecurityInterceptor
- Refer to AbstractSecurityInterceptor for details on the workflow.
- FilterChainProxy invokes FilterSecurityInterceptor
- FilterSecurityInterceptor gets Authentication object from SecurityContext
- FilterSecurityInterceptor creates filterInvocatior. It passes FilterInvocation to SecurityMetadataSource to get configAttributes. ConfigAttributes are derived from antMatchers or mvcMatchers from HttpSecurity.
- FilterSecrurityInterceptor calls AccessDecisionManager’s decide method with authentication, filterInvocation and conffigAttributes as parameter
- If access is success, continue the invocation, otherwise throw AccessDeeniedException
AccessDecisionManager Interface
- The AccessDecisionManager is called by the AbstractSecurityInterceptor and is responsible for making final access control decisions.
- Javadoc
- Source code
AccessDecisionManager source code
1 | public interface AccessDecisionManager { |
‘s decide
method uses all relavant information to decide whether to authorize user to the secure object.
There are 3 implementaions of AccessDecisionManager
- AffirmativeBased - Simple concrete implementation of AccessDecisionManager that grants access if any AccessDecisionVoter returns an affirmative response. This is the default.
- ConsensusBased - Simple concrete implementation of AccessDecisionManager that uses a consensus-based approach. So if majority go throught, it will grant access.
- UnanimousBased - Simple concrete implementation of AccessDecisionManager that requires all voters to abstain or grant access. So ALL votes are needed to grant access.